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Zing Events Presents: AcroYoga All Around the World

What we set out to do with Zing is to bring under one roof all the acro yoga events in the world; a workshop in Denver, a retreat in Bali, teacher training in the Canary Islands,  weekend intensive in the French Alps or a festival in Montreal – if it involves a base and flyer we’ll find it and list it on Zing.

Fast forward to now. There you go. Search by place, or search by date and rest assured – Zing has the most complete listing of acro yoga events all over the world, between now and next year.

Here’s a quick recap of the types of events featured:

Acro Yoga Workshops

Acro workshops are without a doubt the most popular form of acrobatic gathering. The workshops are focused in some way; for beginners who want to start out with partner acro yoga or for advanced looking to perfect acro yoga moves; focused on handstands or on smooth transitions. Workshops are great opportunities to sharpen a certain skill, develop a new one or simply refine your technique. Workshops usually feature either a single teacher, or selected few. You’ll be able to fully experience and benefit from the knowledge and unique expertise of the teacher(s). Last, some workshops offer accommodations, in other you’ll have to take care of it yourself.

Acro Yoga Retreats

The crème de la crème of acro and travel, in most case include full accommodation of food & board. Similar to weekend workshops, acroyoga retreats are intimate affairs with fewer participants – usually up to 20-30 – that delve deep into a specific acrobatic practice, and let participents experience a true acro yoga immersion. Great chance to connect with people and to attend classes that go beyond the core skills. Similar to workshops, a single star teacher will be at the helm or a team of two, three teachers from a specific acro movement.

Acro Yoga Festivals & Conventions

Acro Festivals are amazing opportunities to have a taste of many different teachers giving a variety of classes and practice with numerous partners. Think of a festival as a research ground – a really fun and playful one of course – for finding those amazing teachers that really strike a chord with you and that with them you’ll want to take future workshops & retreats. And, an opportunity to experience acro yoga jams in between classes with the hundreds of attendees.

Acro Yoga Teacher Training

A few leading bodies hold acro yoga teacher training all over the world, among them: AcroYoga International Foundation, AcroYoga Montreal, Acro Revolution, AcroYoga Sanctuary. These are the highest-level events to build and develop your teaching skills, even if a teaching career isn’t what you’re aiming for.

If you’re just beginning, or thinking about giving it a try, we have two things to say. First – welcome! It’s been long overdue. You are making one of the smartest decisions you’ve made recently for your wellbeing. Second, we’ve put together a little guide for you that covers all the acro yoga basics. Have a read, and then search the planet for your next acro experience.

Acro Yoga Near Me

Zing.Events provides valuable information for those who wish to combine their acro practice with travel. Our global coverage is ideal for panning your next wellness vacation, enabling you to find diverse acroyoga events all over the world.

With that said, Zing.Events is also the perfect tool for your day-to-day acroyoga near me – you don’t need to fly across the world in order to participate in a acro workshop, attend a festival or find a cool jam to mix with fellow acro-yogis.

Simply use the location filter, select your current location and see all the acro events that are happening near you.

Acroyoga for Beginners: FAQ

You have to begin somewhere, and that would be understanding why you want to practice acro. Here some basic concepts explained.

What is acro yoga?

An integration of traditional yoga, acrobatics with elements of the therapeutic art Thai Massage into flowing sequences done in together by a base and a flyer. Usually there’s also a spotter to make sure the flyer lands safely.

It’s a demanding physical exercise, requiring a high degree of flexibility, balance and strength from both base and flyer. On top of the physical aspect, the trust between the partners is a crucial component of acroyoga.

What are Solar and Lunar sessions?

The two completing elements of acro practice: Solar is the acrobatic aspect, and Lunar is the therapeutic aspect. Lunar practice uses the healing nature of Thai Massage to stretch and calm and muscles after an intensive Solar practice.

What are the benefits of practicing acro?

Many! First, as far as health benefits, you’ll develop your muscle strength, flexibility, your core balance. Next, yogi benefits; it is yoga after all, so you’ll connect with your inner self, finding a sense of calmness, acceptance and openness. And – the play aspect of the practice is just plain-old fun, whether you’re flying or basing.

How many acro yoga poses are they?

Static positions are good to start with to practice your balance, to strengthen your body and prepare your muscles for the fun of movement. The beauty of acro is that it allows for constant development. The more you practice the more you progress in an infinite trajectory.

Can I practice acro by myself?

You can practice alone, yes – if you’re a base, work on your hands, shoulders and legs since you’ll need to display a great deal of control, strength and balance when working on flows with your flyer; for your flyers out there, same – mostly muscle and balance core work. But not for nothing it is also called Partner Acrobatics; it needs two.

What are the basic elements of Partner Acrobatics?

You start with a base and flyer performing the movements and a spotter watches over for safety.

The building blocks for flows:

  • L-basing – base lies on his/her back
  • Static Poses – work on balance and strengthening the core
  • Washing Machine – a repeating sequence comprised of different poses
  • Foot to Hand – base uses arms, flyer uses feet as points of contact
  • Pops / Whips – advanced acrobatics moves of complex lifts & throws
  • Handstands – solo sequences that build your hand-to-hand skills
  • Hand to Hand – both base and flyer use arms as points of contact
  • Standing Acrobatics – base stands, flyer on top of him/her

Now that you have a better grasp of what acro yoga is all about, it’s time to hit the top of the page again and search the planet for your next – or first – acro event!
