AcroYoga Workshop with Tom

Event Details

About both workshops:
The focus of this workshops will be on using the right technique, finding the most effective way to do tricks and learning some cool elements.
Participants will learn how to break down complex skills and how to work with dynamic energy.
The level of the workshops will be adjusted to the participants and will cover different levels. If some drills are too hard, there will be an easier pre-exercise, if some tricks are too easy, then there is always a way to make it difficult for you.

Do I need to register with a partner?
I advise you to register together with a partner!
It’s not a must, but if you join solo, you need to be pro-active to find people to work with in the workshop.

About Tom
Tom is a professional circus artist and teachers who started training Dutch acrobatics, upgraded it with Ukrainian technique, refined his work under tutelage of various experienced coaches and incorporated elements of dance and martial arts in his movement.
Some of his teachers are: Jim and Det, Wybren Wouda (ACAPA; Codarts), Slava Kukuskin (Kiev; Moscow; ESAC).

Tom was born as the only German who is not on time, in Bavaria (Germany). After trying almost every sport he got hooked to acrobatics at the age of 18.
During his chemical engineering studies he started performing in various groups, duos, trios all over Europe.
After an “early-life-crisis” in 2014 he decided to quit his studies, (which made his parents really happy) and went as a guest student to the circus school ACAPA in Tilburg where he graduated together with Ayla Moes who is currently one of his acrobatic partners.
Since then, he has been performing in various festivals, theatres, operas, circuses and dance shows amongst others.
His combined lack of discipline, natural ability to avoid hard work, love for comedy series, excessive sun bathing and awesome hair style, have created the performer and teacher he is today.

30.11.-1.12., two blocks 2,5 hours per day, last block is a jam to work on your specific tricks. We’ll specify the exact times soon.

to be confirmed but longe is a must 🙂

100 EUR

If you would like to join the workshop, but you struggle financially, please contact me, we can figure something out.