AcroYoga Workshops For All Levels in Utrecht

Event Details

Saturday 7th of March
14.30-17.00 hours

“My first AcroYoga flow”
In this beginners workshop we will teach you the basic elements you need to create your first AcroYoga flow, in which different poses flow into each other.
Prereqs: a high five 😉

17.00-19.00 uur potluck, guided JAM & Thai massage

Sunday 8th of March
10.00-12.30 hours

“Jedi Skill Development”
Only join this Intermediate level workshop if you are ready for dedicated jedi training. You’ll learn a flow that will turn you all around and upside down.
“Do or do not. There is no try”
Master Yoda
Prereqs: Cartwheel into Side Star

Sunday 8th of March
13.30-16.00 hours

“We got the funk”
By now you are experienced enough to get a little crazy.
So this funky flow workshop is for you. Have you got the funk?
Well, at the end of this workshop you will for sure!
Ninja Star
Step or pop from Star to Straddle bat & back again
Low foot to hand

16.00-18.00 hours potluck, guided JAM & Thai massage

Price: 45 euro & free if you’ve booked an AcroYoga Adventure with us in March.